Monday, November 06, 2017

Saloma fashion icon exhibition at the National Museum

Peace be upon you. Breaking away from the 1,771 count as mentioned in the article TM family day at the National Sports Complex in Shah Alam.

Last Tuesday 31st October 2017 I went to the National Museum for  a function. It happened that a related exhibition was also held there. It features popular 60s to 70s local singer and actress Saloma as fashion icon.

It also happened to be the last day of the two-month plus long exhibition. So I decided to check it out...

Exhibited are actual clothes used to be worn by Saloma. Married to popular local singer cum composer cum musician cum actor cum director P. Ramlee she passed away in 1983.

That is 10 years after her husband was deceased For the record Saloma was very famous for having a slim but curvy voluptuous body. Her waist is said to be only 21 inches in circumference.

Such was her figure that I was told special custom molds had to be made by the museum to best place some of her clothes.

None of those displayed is replica. Each was taken from her personal collection.

I was told the family donated it to the National Archive for posterity's sake.

It was loaned to the museum for exhibition.

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