Friday, April 07, 2017

2017 visit to the tomb of Sultan Malikussaleh

After Perlak we searched for the tomb of a Pasai female ruler called Ratu Nurul Aqla somewhere in a rural area between Lhoksukun and Lhokseumawe. Having found and visited the tomb we went to visit a more prominent tomb. This one belongs to Sultan Malikussaleh, the great grandfather of Nurul Aqla, founder of the kingdom of Pasai, and the earlier kingdom of Samudera.

This tomb is much easier to find as it is a very famous one.

I have been here many times.

Whenever I have time and opportunity I would make it a point to visit. For the Sultan who lived almost 800 years ago is a great great great grandfather of mine...

The tomb of Sultan Malikussaleh.

Besides it lies the tomb of a son (or is it a grandchild?) known as Sultan Malikuzzahir...

Perlak river from Sultan Sayyid Maulana complex

About 16.5 km upstream following the twists and turns of the Perlak river lies the tomb complex of Sultan Sayyid Maulana Abdul Aziz Syah who ruled Perlak 1,200 years ago.

By road it is about 12 km from the main bridge which crosses the Perlak river.

At one side outside the complex lies a section of the river.

Once upon a time when the river was much bigger it used to see ships from as far as the Arab Peninsular harbouring here...

The main bridge crossing Perlak river

After breakfast we continued our journey to the town Perlak about 30 minutes away. A few kilometres before town we have to pass this bridge.

It crosses the Perlak river.

The name Perlak was also used to call a kingdom centred not far from here.

The river used to be much bigger leading to an ancient busy port a few kilometres upstream...

Views from a new hotel in Idi

Peace be upon you this Friday afternoon. On to the 6th day of the 16th-23rd March Aceh travel...

Tuesday morning 21st March 2017. We have spent the night at new hotel in the town of Idi about 7 hours journey by land from Banda Aceh.

I remembered spending the night at another hotel close nearby.

That was in early 2010. This area used to consist of a number of village houses.

This hotel did not exist then.  Now there is a big office for the district leader being built in front.

Going to the rear verandah of the hotel...

At least I can see houses from then time I last came 7 years ago...

Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Peusangan river at a rural part close to the coast

From the Indrapuri mosque we continued south-east. About 5 hours later we found a detour and followed the proposed direction.

Apparently the regular bridge crossing the Peusangan river was damaged.

We were directed to another bridge closer to the coast.

There, the other bridge crossing the Peusangan river, one of the main rivers of Aceh...

A check with Google Earth shows this is bridge is situated about 4 km from the river mouth. 

 It is also the only bridge between the the regular one on the main road and the coast...

Indrapuri old mosque and the Aceh river besides

Peace be upon you all. Straight to the 5th day of the 16th-23rd March Aceh trip.

Monday noon 20th March 2017. We made a stop at this old historical mosque.

A check with Google Map shows it is about 27 km south-east of Banda Aceh.

So every time I went to Aceh I made it a point to visit this mosque.

This is the look of the mosque from a corner to its west.

From that corner you could see the Aceh river peacefully flowing besides...