Friday, April 07, 2017

2017 visit to the tomb of Sultan Malikussaleh

After Perlak we searched for the tomb of a Pasai female ruler called Ratu Nurul Aqla somewhere in a rural area between Lhoksukun and Lhokseumawe. Having found and visited the tomb we went to visit a more prominent tomb. This one belongs to Sultan Malikussaleh, the great grandfather of Nurul Aqla, founder of the kingdom of Pasai, and the earlier kingdom of Samudera.

This tomb is much easier to find as it is a very famous one.

I have been here many times.

Whenever I have time and opportunity I would make it a point to visit. For the Sultan who lived almost 800 years ago is a great great great grandfather of mine...

The tomb of Sultan Malikussaleh.

Besides it lies the tomb of a son (or is it a grandchild?) known as Sultan Malikuzzahir...

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