Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Bringing the car for a ferry ride to old Singgora

Continuing from A look at the town of Chenak.

After having lunch and visiting the local mosque at Chenak we went to the town of Songkhla. We didn't stop at the town. Instead we went straight further north to get to the ferry jetty there.

We wanted to get to an old part of Songkhla. For the record Songkhla is how the Thai people call this area and district. The Malay name is Singgora

After waiting in-line for almost 45 minutes we got on the ferry.

I have been on the ferry once before. But then I arrived on foot and didn't have to wait long to get on board. Look at the old article Taking the ferry to old Singgora.

That time I travelled alone after spending some time with some friends in Patani. This time I brought the family and two friends in our own car...

Enjoying the scenery around. This was like an hour before sunset...

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