Monday, January 08, 2018

Quick look at the town of Betong, Thailand

OK. Before the year 2017 ends me and family made a long trip to Thailand. Including journeys from our house to the national border and back it took a total of 12 days 12-23 December. Now comes the time to share stories...

We left the house on Tuesday night 12th December 2017. After spending the night at a mosque in Gerik some 300 km from home we entered Thailand via the border entry point at Pengkalan Hulu on Wednesday morning 13th December.

 From there we entered the closest Thailand town of Betong about 6 km after the enty point.

We had a quick look while trying to find local SIM cards for mobile phone use in Thailand.

It seems like a fairly large town.

Life looks relaxed and unhurried...

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