Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Last look at Patani town from end to end

Peace be upon you. On to the 6th day of my Patani trip with the family 19-25 March.

Saturday 24th March 2018. Time to head back home after spending 5 days and 4 nights in Patani town. But we have to attend a function first on the western fringe of town. If not for that function we would have headed home on Friday.

We left the function at 3pm. We decided to reenter the western gate of Patani town for one last trip around...

So there we were going around town while going mainly eastwards.

OK. All this while I have mentioned this place as Patani town.

Actually I don't know what is its actual status. But from its size it should be a city.

Never mind, let's just call it Patani town as it does sound endearing...

Soon we reached the eastern gate. After that we were officially out of town...

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