Monday, September 24, 2018

New look of Muar river from gallery built over the Bukit Kepong old police station

Peace be upon you. Something from a balik kampung trip (return to native village) over a week ago.

Saturday 15th September 2018, I brought the wife and kids along with my mum and dad some 60 km from our village to Bukit Kepong.

The place is famous because of a fatal communist terrorist attack on the old local police station in 1950. Here is the Muar river from the attack grounds...

A gallery has been built to remember the incident and opened just over a year and half ago. Here's looking at the river from its first floor...

Next we went to the nearby riverside jetty.

I have shown picture from there in the article Muar river besides the Bukit Kepong old police station.

But those were taken 7 years ago...

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