Friday, September 21, 2018

The boating area at Batak Rabit

Peace be upon you this beautiful Friday. There are things to be shared from almost 2 weeks ago.

Early Tuesday morning, 11th September 2018. After spending the night at the family mosque in Batak Rabit, Teluk Intan I went to see the Perak river in front.

That's when I found out a boating area has been built. If not mistaken it was built only 3-4 months ago.

As it is a long stretch of the Perak river around Teluk Intan is well-known for its delicious freshwater lobsters. The boating area at Batak Rabit was built to capitalise on this.

I was told it attracted anglers and fishing enthusiasts from all over Malaysia and some from overseas. They can rent boats from the local operators here...

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