Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Repeating a hill at Bandar Sungai Buaya and a higher one behind

For the last one month or so it has been raining regularly in the afternoon except for a few days in between. Last Tuesday I find space to indulge in another session of hill climbing.

This time I went alone.

It is the first hill I've climbed in Bandar Sungai Buaya almost 5 years ago.

Since then I have climbed it many times.

Climbing up to the rocky peak...

Here's a look around...

Seen here is a higher hill connected to this one by a saddle formation.

I have climbed that hill only once. So there I was heading there via the saddle.

However I often found heavy growth blocking...

And it was hard to tell if I've reach its highest peak because of obscured views...

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