Friday, September 21, 2018

Down the bridge at Batu Lima Teluk Intan-Lumut route

Continuing from A boat trip of Perak river from Batak Rabit.

During the boat trip we also had a look at this bridge

It is situated at Batu Lima or the Fifth Mile of the road from Teluk Intan to Lumut.

It is the most downstream bridge crossing the Perak river and also the longest bridge across the river.

Now work is underway to construct another bridge right besides it.

This is done so that traffic can be turned into two lanes both ways across the river as opposed to the current one lane for each way...

A boat trip of Perak river from Batak Rabit

Continuing The boating area at Batak Rabit.

Actually I spent the night at the family mosque in Batak Rabit with my wife and kids. After observing the going-ons at the boating area I brought them to have a look too. That's when one of the boat operators offered to take us for a ride.

It seems he did this after finding out the mosque and land around which includes his boating area belongs to my family. He wanted to show that he is operating a business which should also benefit my family interest besides being eco-friendly and good for the local tourism industry.

When I asked is that Sungai Durian referring to an area across the Perak river about a kilometre upstream from Batak Rabit he offered to take us there.

For the record Sungai Durian is a holding of my kith and kins from a different branch of the Perak Laksamana (something like a royal admiral) family. At one part lies the tomb of a main ancestor of mine known as Laksamana Toh Jambu Keramat Sungai Durian who lived almost 300 years ago...

So there we were heading for Sungai Durian...

This is off Sungai Durian. Seen in the middle are two coconut trees which marked the location of the tomb of Toh Jambu at it's base. From a local who was fishing nearby we learned that the tree were struck by lightning about 3-4 months ago. That is why there is no leaf left, just the trunks...

We went upstream for another 300 metres or so along Sungai Durian before turning back towards Batak Rabit.

Then the operator show 2-3 other jetties with boats operated by others at Batak Rabit.

The operator then decided to bring us a few kilometers downriver.

He showed us an area on which a Dutch fort used to lie about three centuries ago before returning to Batak Rabit. For information this is the 1,900th article in this blogspot.

The boating area at Batak Rabit

Peace be upon you this beautiful Friday. There are things to be shared from almost 2 weeks ago.

Early Tuesday morning, 11th September 2018. After spending the night at the family mosque in Batak Rabit, Teluk Intan I went to see the Perak river in front.

That's when I found out a boating area has been built. If not mistaken it was built only 3-4 months ago.

As it is a long stretch of the Perak river around Teluk Intan is well-known for its delicious freshwater lobsters. The boating area at Batak Rabit was built to capitalise on this.

I was told it attracted anglers and fishing enthusiasts from all over Malaysia and some from overseas. They can rent boats from the local operators here...