Monday, September 24, 2018

Enjoying the beach at Pulau Besar, Melaka

The following day, Sunday 16th September 2018, on the way to return home in Selangor we made a short trip to Pulau Besar, Melaka.

It has been 2 years since I took the family there and a year since I myself went.

So there we were on the boat or ferry to the island some 4 km off mainland Melaka.

Soon we arrived at the main jetty and decided to walk on to the main part of the island.

On the way the kids wanted to take a dip at the beach not far from the jetty.

Normally we would go to the main part first before enjoying the beach and such. This time I allowed the kids to enjoy the beach first. We took some time and built a sort of sand castle.

We also built a barrier of sorts. It is the first time I enjoyed doing something like this in so many years and first time ever at Pulau Besar.

After two hours or so only we went on the main part of the island.

This refers to where the mosque lies along with the tomb of a saintly person known as Sultanul Ariffin Sheikh Ismail.

The area was under renovation however. Preparations are being made to knock down the old mosque and build a new bigger one on its site...

New look of Muar river from gallery built over the Bukit Kepong old police station

Peace be upon you. Something from a balik kampung trip (return to native village) over a week ago.

Saturday 15th September 2018, I brought the wife and kids along with my mum and dad some 60 km from our village to Bukit Kepong.

The place is famous because of a fatal communist terrorist attack on the old local police station in 1950. Here is the Muar river from the attack grounds...

A gallery has been built to remember the incident and opened just over a year and half ago. Here's looking at the river from its first floor...

Next we went to the nearby riverside jetty.

I have shown picture from there in the article Muar river besides the Bukit Kepong old police station.

But those were taken 7 years ago...