Friday, January 11, 2019

Bus to Battambang

Peace be upon you all. On to the 7th day of the Cambodia-Thailand trip 22 November-3 December 2018.

Wednesday morning 28th November 2018. After walking around to get halal breakfast we were ready to leave Phnom Penh.

A tuk tuk took us from our guest house to a local bus stop. We have bought tickets to the city of Battambang some 300 km towards the north-west.

Our bus arrived at 10.15.

Soon we were on board heading north passing this sprawling capital of Cambodia.

At this juncture more than half and hour later we were about to leave the city's suburbs...

Soon we were out in a rural area. I could see 2-3 mosques along the way...

At 11.37 we made a stop at a rest area...

At 12.52 or so we arrived at the city of Kampong Chnang some 92 km out of Phnom Penh...

Soon we were back in rural lands...

Small towns and many sort of landscapes featured as we went further and further to the north-west...

At 5.15p, we entered the city of Battambang via a back part.

All in all we took more than 7 hours to cover a distance of 300 km...

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