Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Looking for a clear view of the lake up Bukit Mor

Continuing from To the summit of Bukit Mor.

From the summit we descend down another path...

We wanted to look for a picturesque open area shown on the Internet by some climbers who have been to Bukit Mor.

We soon found an opening which seemed to lead to the said place...

But we did not find the open area as shown in pictures.

Realising we have taken a wrong turn we retraced our steps up to certain point.

Soon we found a clearer and easier path.

Next we found pointers leading to the said picturesque area...

We have been earlier told by a hiker that we should find a shrine followed by a 'bus stop' along the right path...

And so that was how we found the right open area.. In the background is the summit from where we descend to find this area...

From here one could get a good unobstructed view of a lake below...

One should also be able to have a good look at the horizon to the east...

Just for the record this picture was taken at 11.58am.

That almost an hour and 40 minutes after reaching the summit of Bukit Mor.

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