Friday, August 02, 2019

Going up Bukit Chandang in Batang Kali

Peace be upon you. Something from last weekend...

Last Saturday 27th July 2019 I went for a solo bike ride up to Batang Kali and decided to check out this hill...

It is called Bukit (hill of) Chandang. There is a Chinese village at this part of its foot...

I rode into the village hoping to find a road leading up to the hill summit...

As it turned out the road in the village just lead at most up to this water tank...

Realising there is another road on the hill side accesible from the water tank I decided to check it out...

Next I found a rough route which seemed to lead up to the summit...

But it is not fit for the bike. So I left it at a junction and continued on foot...

As it turned out it does not lead all the way to the summit. I had to go through some bushes if I want to go on...

Thank God I managed to find my way through...

On to the actual summit - the topmost part of the hill...

There is what looks like a Chinese shrine...

Normally there is at least on idol inside such a shrine. Instead there is just this rock...

Anyway I also found the actual road leading up to the summit.

Taking the road down I found it leads to another part of Batang Kali...

I had to walk quite a distance to find the junction where my bike was left at...

There, found it. It was quite an exercise climbing up Bukit Chandang via one route and going down another before completing a whole loop via one more route to climb back to the bike...

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