Sunday, September 22, 2019

Searching for tomb of Syed Hussain al-Faradz

Peace be upon you all. Recently I made a round trip in Perak for 4 days and 3 nights. There are a few things to be shared in-between those from the Aceh and north Sumatera round trip 28th August - 4 September. Here's one from the first day of the Perak trip.

The trip was started Sunday morning 15th September 2019 when I decided to go to Kuala Lumpur first for a lecture. At 1 pm or so I entered the PLUS Highway up to Tapah before taking the old trunk road to Ipoh exiting at Kampar to get to an area full of former tin mines.

I entered a part to search for an isolated almost 500-year-old tomb.

Thank God I got help by a local who showed me the way. Other wise it is very hard to find...

The tomb belongs to Syed Husain al-Faradz, teacher and religious advisor to the first Sultan of Perak, Sultan Muzaffar Syah (ruled 1528-1549 AD)...

It is situated at a 'peninsular' or cape facing a tin-mine lake...

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