Thursday, September 12, 2019

The waterfront of Lhok Seudu after sundown

Peace be upon you all. This is my first posting here after the Muslim the new year of 1441th Hijriah have started 2 Sundays ago (on 1st Sept). For the record me and family made a long trip around Aceh and north Sumatera from 28 August till 4 September. This is its first story.

Originally we bought flight tickets for the 10 o'clock morning flight Wednesday 28th August 2019. But that was over 8 months ago. A month before flight we were told that it was cancelled and we were transferred to the 2 pm flight. As it turned out there more delays...

The flight left at 5 pm and arrived in Aceh after 6 pm (+7GMT). By the time we got out of airport there was only 30 minutes of sunlight left. Our intended target for the day was to reach the town of Meulaboh 249 km away. According to Google Map that should take 4 hours 30 minutes by road

Only about 20 minutes after our car trip started we got hungry. We asked our Acehnese friend who drove us in his car to recommend a place to eat at. Upon reaching a waterfront at Lhok Seudu he saw an opened restaurant and made a stop.

It is located about 40 km from the airport and 30 km from the city of Banda Aceh. There we found an interesting waterfront.

This was not a planned stop. Only circumstance made us spent time...

It turned out to be a very beautiful place...

Too bad it was already past sunset...

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