Tuesday, September 24, 2019

To the giant foot print that is the actual Tapak Tuan

Next. We walked to a place which is said to be the origin of the name Tapak Tuan...

Along the way could be seen more scenic views of the sea and surroundings.

Tapak Tuan literarily means foot print (tapak) of the master (tuan). So there exists a giant foot print to that effect.

However visitors were not allowed to get to that site.

This is because just a few days before two foreign tourists were found dead after being carried by a big wave while standing on that site.

However I decided to try my luck and check it out...

As it turned out the walkway leading to that site was in very bad condition.

One would have to walk and climb pass slippery rocks to reach the site. 

That's when the wife called asking me to return back to the entrance. She said there were policemen around and reminded me according to local custom it is forbidden to approach the site on Friday. So instead let me offer this picture from the Internet... :]

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