Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The part of the Bernam river which used to be land connected to the rest of Perak

 Continuing from A part of the Bernam river for giant catfish.

Next I went to an area called Pulau (island of) Ganda Suli.

It is called the island of Ganda Suli because there was a time when the area was actually an island surrounded by the Bernam river.

After some time a major part of the waters surrounding it dried up due to a combination of natural causes and human intervention. The affected parts became land connected to the state of Selangor. 

What remained from the said body of water is the presently existing part of Bernam river to the east of the 'island'. To get there I have drive to the end of A tarred road then walk for about 200 metres as I couldn't risk getting my car stuck into mud along the way.

There, the said parts of the  Bernam river...

Later did I found out that the waters around here used to be land connected to the main mass of the state of Perak seen across the river.

It was cut to connect two parts of the river, which meandered around for a distance, creating a short cut for boats and water-based transport.

The cut part used to be just a canal. In time it naturally grow in size to become a full blown river due to the strength of water flow turning the land mass affected into the island called Pulau Ganda Suli.

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