Thursday, November 11, 2021

Flood at Batak Rabit

Peace be upon you all. The article Wading to the tomb of Keramat Kuala Bidor yesterday has shown how the path the to the said tomb was flooded and I had to wade through to get to the tomb. This article is practically a continuation of that...

Sunday morning 6th November 2021 me and wife had spent the night at my family mosque in Batak Rabit about 5 km to the west of Teluk Intan town. Seen here was the situation at 7.16 am. While it has not been raining since we've arrived the previous night high tide has flooded this area since 6 am.

I went out and wade through the waters to check out the situation. While high tide is normal in Teluk Intan the situation is extraordinary this time.

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