Thursday, November 11, 2021

Views from tower of Batak Rabit mosque

Continuing from Perak river from Batak Rabit during extraordinary high tide.

At around 7.40 the water subsided and the mosque compound was not flooded anymore. That's when I decided to go to an original part of the mosque...

This is the minaret or call to prayer tower of the Batak Rabit mosque. While many parts of the mosque has been renovated this one stays the same since more than a century ago.

I went up to the highest part of the tower to check out the views...

That's the Perak river. You can see the water has ceased to overflow...

At the tower you can see old roofs with the year 1865 imprinted on it. This is an indication that the mosque is more than 150 years old.

Perak river from Batak Rabit during extraordinary high tide

Continuing from Flood at Batak Rabit.

My family mosque in Batak Rabit is situated close to the Perak river. Here you can see how the flood came from the river due to extraordinary high tide.

While high tide is a normal occurrence here usually the water don't overflow into the mosque compound.

Anyway the flood is not so noticeable once you get on these fishing boat jetties...

It just seemed normal as the floating jetties and its boats would just rise up according to the river's water level...

Flood at Batak Rabit

Peace be upon you all. The article Wading to the tomb of Keramat Kuala Bidor yesterday has shown how the path the to the said tomb was flooded and I had to wade through to get to the tomb. This article is practically a continuation of that...

Sunday morning 6th November 2021 me and wife had spent the night at my family mosque in Batak Rabit about 5 km to the west of Teluk Intan town. Seen here was the situation at 7.16 am. While it has not been raining since we've arrived the previous night high tide has flooded this area since 6 am.

I went out and wade through the waters to check out the situation. While high tide is normal in Teluk Intan the situation is extraordinary this time.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Wading to the tomb of Keramat Kuala Bidor

 Continuing from Perak river from the new bridge at Lambor.

Late in the afternoon we arrived at a remote place int Teluk Intan to visit the tomb of a main ancestor of mine who was known as Keramat Kuala Bidor.

However parts of Teluk Intan including this place was flooded due to heavy rain and high tide.

Still I decided to press on and wade to the tomb and another related one...

For the record this is the 2,121th article in this blogspot.

Perak river from the new bridge at Lambor

Continuing from Revisiting tombs of the kings of Beruas.

After Beruas we visited the tombs of 3 main Sultans of Perak. Going further south we found that there is another new bridge crossing the Perak river, this time in the district of Lambor...

Revisiting tombs of the kings of Beruas

 Continuing from Perak river from Kampung Semat.

Next we went to Kampung Kota in Beruas where lies a number of tombs said to belong to the kings of Beruas and royal family members.

We have also been here many times...

Somehow since over the last 18 years or so I am compelled to make visits whenever I have time and passing not far from Beruas.