Thursday, January 06, 2022

A look at part of Sungai Golok which used to be a regular crossing from Rantau Panjang

Peace be upon you. On to the 7th day of the East Coast trip.

Friday 24th December 2021. We left Kota Bahru heading for the West Coast via Jeli to Gerik route. Around 12.30 pm we arrived at the town of Rantau Panjang. It is situated very near to the Malaysia-Thailand national border.

Forming the natural border is the Golok river...

I remember a time when locals from both sides used to commute across the river for various purposes.

But I learned it has been quite since over the last two years because of the Covid-19 virus problem.

Walls have been erected on the Thai side to control and restrict movements...

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