Monday, January 03, 2022

Climbing up the hill that is Bukit Keluang

Continuing from New visit to the beach of Bukit Keluang.

While Bukit Keluang is famous for its beach and seaside caverns the name itself refers to a hill.

Bukit Keluang means hill of (Bukit) giant bats (Keluang). I have never seen the bats but the hill is very prominent giving and imposing sight besides the beach.

For as long as I can remember the main attraction has always been the beach and seaside caves. It was only since about a year ago or so the hill itself became an attraction.

This was after a path connecting one end of hill on to the summit and the other end of hill was opened to public.

So I decided to check it out despite arriving late. Thank God I came across two other hikers for company...

It's just they were young, probably less than half my age. So they could climb faster and disappeared out of sight while I acknowledged the fact that being 51 years old and not so fit it was good enough that I could maintain a constant pace without running out of breath.

Soon I arrived at what seemed like a summit. 

This pictures were taken around 7.05 pm. As it turned out there was still some distance to climb up before going down the other side.

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