Monday, February 28, 2022

The "Mini Amazon" at Kampung Beng, Lenggong

Peace be upon. Recently me and family made a  trip to Kedah and Perak. So as usual there a things to be shared.

OK. While the trip was started on Sunday 20th February 2022 it is only on the 3rd day of the trip which is on Tuesday 22nd February that I have something to be shared for this blogspot.

That was when we arrived at a village called Kampung Beng in Lenggong, Perak.

Here lies one of the many lakes formed after a part of the Perak river was dammed nearly 40 years ago.

But unlike some of such lakes I've been to this one is quite far away from the main roads.

This made it rather exclusive and particularly charming.

Locals have dubbed it as the "Mini Amazon" of Kampung Beng...

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