Sunday, April 03, 2022

Exploring the ways to Gunung Besout

Peace be upon you. After making the travel in Negeri Sembilan last weekend I thought I do not want to go anywhere outstation for the following one month or so. But came a calling asking me to go to Teluk Intan in Perak. So there are stories to be shared.

Thursday afternoon 31st March 2022. On the way to Teluk Intan I decided to make an excursion into an oil palm plantation.

I entered via an entrance near to the college that is the MRSM in Trolak. I went in as far as my small car could take using the rough red gravel road.

A four wheel drive or a lorry could take one further inside. 

But the small car? It could easily got stuck in mud.

So I decided to continue by walking...

I wanted to explore the ways around...

What I understand is this is the shortest way to get to highest peak of a small mountain called Gunung Besout...

There. I caught sight of the said summit after having the views blocked by the high palm trees.

But there are so many paths branching out to different locations. After some time I decided to call it a day.

While I've been told it could take only 30 minutes, or at most an hour to reach the summit I could not totally commit to the effort. First, I have things to attend to in Teluk Intan. Second, I'm not sure what is the best path to get to the summit while I'm running out of time to explore.


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