Thursday, April 07, 2022

To the small waterfall of Gunung Besout

Continuing from Exploring the grounds that used to have the big house of Batak Rabit.

I left Batak Rabit and consquently Teluk Intan around 9.10 in the morning. Heading home southwards using a route  never taken before I arrived at the agricultural settlement of Felda Gunung Besout around 10.35 before taking a rough gravel road.

I wanted to trek to a small waterfall that I found out exists throught the Internet. A bridge had collapsed and I had to leave the car after less than a kilometre taking the gravel road.

Otherwise I could have driven the car further into the plantations and jungle...

So there I was walking deeper and deeper while ascended up the hills that forms the small mountain system that is Gunung Besout.

Soon I arrived at this river.

There are a few pools and small waterfalls...

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