Monday, August 29, 2022

Looking for the tomb of Syed Osman

Peace be upon you. On to the 3rd and final day of the 22-24 August Perak trip.

Wednesday afternoon 24th August 2022. After spending the night in Ipoh then attending a court proceeding there I sent an uncle to Batu Gajah then took a rural road which I did not know led to the small town of Kota Bharu.

That reminds me that there is a tomb of an olden dignitary named Syed Osman not far from the town which I have not visited yet. It is mentioned in a book on historical places in Perak.

The book did not gave its exact location. Just that it is situated within an old tin mining area about 1 km from Kota Bharu and besides the Teja river.

Based on that description I looked for the closest tin mining area (there are plenty around) matching that description.

I walked to the parts close to the Teja river. Too bad I could not spot the tomb. But at least I've tried.

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