Monday, September 26, 2022

Going up Mount Keledang

Peace be upon you. On to the third day of the recent Perak trip.

Monday morning 19th September 2022. After attending a court case at the Perak Syariah (Muslim law) High Court in Ipoh I decided to check a certain road at the western outskirts of the city.

I saw it on Google Map but was not sure of its condition.

It goes up the hill or rather mountain of Keledang...

I started at around 11.13am.  This picture of the summit taken from somewhere up was snapped six minutes later.

While the road is narrow and at times quite steep it is good enough to make me confident continuing with my small car.

I only stopped upon reaching a lower summit which houses this communication stations.

There is another one close enough but still not the highest.

The highest is this one. The clock on my camera showed I arrived at around 11.34 am.

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