Sunday, September 25, 2022

On to the summit of Bukit Syamsul Bahrin

Continuing from Views from on top of Batu Dinding at Bukit Syamsul Bahrin.

From the top of Batu Dinding it is not so far to reach the summit of Bukit (hill of) Syamsul Bahrin.

So we continued to climb up.

Soon we reached want to seemed to be the highest part of the hill.

Yet still we explore around to see if there is a higher point.

It was only later, while starting our journey back down that we notice that there was indeed a higher ground but to the south, not to the north as we have explored earlier.

So I went up to that point.

Up here, after extensive checking, I could confirm as far as humanly possible that I have arrived at the highest summit of Bukit Syamsul Bahrin.

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