Saturday, September 10, 2022

Walkway to an island in the Shah Alam lake garden

Peace be upon you. Just a little something to be shared from a recent trip.

Last Sunday 4th September 2022 me and family went to Muar before heading for Melaka then Tanjung Sepat on Tuesday 6th September. On Friday yesterday 9th September we stopped by at Shah Alam where the wife has to be in her office for the working day. So I brought my boy around including to the city lake garden where lies this particular attraction.

I have been to this garden many times before. But it is been some time since I take a good look around.

So I do not know when did this pathway across the lake was built and opened to the public.

It leads to this island which used to be only accessible by boat...

The is another pathway which seems to lead to another island...

As it turned out it only went just so far.

To get to the island ahead one has to take the pathway from the other side of the lake.

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