Monday, August 29, 2022

The waterfalls of Batu Berangkai in Kampar

Continuing from Looking for the tomb of Syed Osman.

Later in the afternoon I passed through the town of Kampar before deciding to take a rural road leading to a recreational area up the foothills of a local mountain.

It is known as the waterfalls of Batu Berangkai.

After going through the hot humid day it is nice to be able to take a dip there...

Looking for the tomb of Syed Osman

Peace be upon you. On to the 3rd and final day of the 22-24 August Perak trip.

Wednesday afternoon 24th August 2022. After spending the night in Ipoh then attending a court proceeding there I sent an uncle to Batu Gajah then took a rural road which I did not know led to the small town of Kota Bharu.

That reminds me that there is a tomb of an olden dignitary named Syed Osman not far from the town which I have not visited yet. It is mentioned in a book on historical places in Perak.

The book did not gave its exact location. Just that it is situated within an old tin mining area about 1 km from Kota Bharu and besides the Teja river.

Based on that description I looked for the closest tin mining area (there are plenty around) matching that description.

I walked to the parts close to the Teja river. Too bad I could not spot the tomb. But at least I've tried.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Following the Beruas river inland towards Beruas town and Kampung Kota

Continuing from Viewing the Beruas river mouth again.

In the previous article I've said that  I intend to follow the flow of the Beruas river as close as possible going upriver towards the inland town of Beruas and a village known as Kampung Kota. Well I managed to do that for about 1.6 km starting from the river mouth before veering outwards to get to the main road then meeting the river again at Pengkalan Baru.

Here I then took a small road which goes along the river further inland.

The the road started to get rough...

But having studied it on Google Map I know it eventually leads to a tarred small road.

Crossing the Beruas river to get to that small road...

Following the said tarred road...

After sometime it however veered away from the river. I had to follow that flow as the roads or rather patha close to the river are expected to get rougher and rougher which is not good for my small car besides taking much more time to negotiate.

Viewing the Beruas river mouth again

Continuing from A sort of beach at Pantai Remis.

Next I went to the fishing landing area where lies a number of private jetties at Pantai Remis.

I look for the one which according to my estimate should be exactly situated off the Beruas river mouth.

Now, I have been here 3-4 times before.

But this time it is more special as I intend to follow the flow of the Beruas river as close as possible going upriver towards the inland town of Beruas and a village known as Kampung Kota.

A sort of beach at Pantai Remis

Continuing from New visit to the Pasir Panjang beach in Segari.

From Segari I drove further northwards to the town of Pantai Remis where I decided to check out this area just before town.

It is an area I have never visited before.

I was actually looking for a local delicacy when I found a village road leading here.

A signboard says there is a beach...

Well. It does face the sea. Or rather, the Straits of Melaka...