Saturday, March 25, 2023

Taking the challenging coastal route from Pulau Intan

Continuing from Down to Pulau Intan.

Looking towards the southern tip of Tanjung Tuan from the furthest tip of Pulau Intan.

I decided that we should follow the coastal route to return to our car and the kids just followed.

But there are many challenging stony paths along the way...

The safe route is to climb back to the light house (see On to the lighthouse of Tanjung Tuan) and then just  follow the tarred round downhill to the parking lot.

Thank God it is low tide. Otherwise these parts are all submerged...

Looking back towards Pulau Intan. The time was 6.41 pm.

We have a window of just over half an hour before the sun sets.

And there was still some challenging distance to be covered before reaching safety...

We reached this mangrove swamp which is close to safety at 7.18 pm. Years ago there was a wooden walkway to get through. Now on have to walk on the roots to get to the other end and that turned out to be the most challenging part. For the record this is the 2,366th article in this blogspot.

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