Monday, May 01, 2023

Muar river from Parit Tiram

Peace be upon you. Recently, in line with the Aidil Fitri festive season in Malaysia, me and family made a trip to the south. So as usual there are stories to be shared beginning with this.

This trip officially started Thursday noon 20th April 2022 when we headed for the wife's native village in Tanjung Sepat, Selangor. We spent a few days there including the first day of the Aidil Fitri on Saturday 22nd.

Sunday 23rd at night we then went to my native village in Muar, Johor. The following afternoon Monday 24th we went around town and decided to check a small road at a place called Parit Tiram.

Now, I often see Parit Tiram from the main road outside. 

I know that is is located close besides the Muar river.

But as far as I could remember, having grown up in Muar from 1970 till 1987, this is the first time I went to this part of Parit Tiram.

So what a surpise finding you can get superb views of the Muar river from here.

I just learned that the small road we took was just open for recreation in under a year ago...

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