Monday, September 11, 2023

Climbing up Bukit Tadun

Peace be upon you. Just to clear my log. Something from 4 days ago.

Thursday 7th September 2023. After settling some business in the town of Rawang I took this road heading for the hills.

I want to go to a particular hill called Bukit Tadun.

I have about two weeks ago surveyed the road heading towards its summit.

If you go straight you can reach a water facility of sorts.

If you take a certain turn you can go higher up the hill. But I decided to leave the car at a certain point...

Then I continued by walking.

This is because the road further is not fit for my small car...

Then I saw a junction and decided to take the left road.

This seemed good and safe enough for small cars.

So I arrived at an area which is the highest summit of the hill.

But because of the telecommunications facilities it is off-limits to non-personnel.

I took a walk around the fenced perimeter...

Then went down to the junction to take another road...

It seemed like this one has not been passed by vehicles for quite some time.

Yet the telecommunications facility it led to is still up and running...

I went down the junction again to take another road, the last one...

It led to another telecommunication facility.

With that only I felt satisfied enough on Bukit Tadun.

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