Wednesday, December 27, 2023

With the kids around Pulau Besar

 Continuing from First time to Gua Yunus in over 7 years.

Saturday morning 23rd December 2023. I want to go for another trek around Pulau Besar and this time the kids followed.

I took a different route from the previous day.

This is to get to the place called Batu Belah (the split stone) on the summit of the highest hill on the island.

Then to this abandoned golf club on top of another hill...

Next is this abandoned resort project downhill...

Then we walked along the west coast of the island.

Taking time at a beach.

Time to head back to the mosque.

1 comment:

  1. masyaAllah Tuan, sy baru je pulang dri Pulau Besar (31/12/23)., sms di sn teringin mau ke Batu Belah tp tidak tau jln.,
