Thursday, October 29, 2009

A look at the Selangor river near Batang Berjuntai...

OK. I got a number of pictures from past travels as far back as August 2 months ago waiting to be converted into articles. So let me release some here ya...

One fine day early August, I was playing about with Google Earth when I noticed this satellite picture showing a part of the Selangor river very near to a main road...

Now, the place in question is not that far from my house. Once in a while I like to take my big bike through the small town of Batu Arang on to Ijok covering a distance of 9 km. From Ijok its only about 7 km to Batang Berjuntai, then it should be another 5 km to the targetted spot...

So in no time I was there...

Actually I've been pass this part of the road one or twice before but never noticed the river nearby...

Now, as those who have read my blogspots thoroughly could testify, I have some sort of 'fetish' for rivers especially major ones like the Selangor river. So it's only natural if I try to take a closer view...

Anyway here's a look at the bend which is closest to the river... at the main road connecting Batang Berjuntai to Rawang...

A look at the opposite end should put things in perspective. By the way Bestari Jaya is the new official name for Batang Berjuntai. From a study of the satellite pictures shown above, a turn to the right off the main road should bring me closer to the waters...

I took the turn...

And right enough, a bridge crossing the Selangor river!

There, the river as far as the eyes could see... a look eastwards or upriver...

Besides lie a water pump station or something...

A look upriver, that is towards the sea... or rather towards the Straits of Melaka. A check with Google Earth shows that while this place is only about 25 km from open water, the actual course of the river from here weaves in and out the landscape for more than 55 km before reaching the estuary...

Here's a look from a nearby village...

The river here stays at about 50-70 metres wide while the parts near the estuary, at the town of Kuala Selangor is some almost 5 times as vast, the actually estuary itself being more than 800 metres wide...

Here's a look at the bridge from the village. Time to head back home, through the winding road on to Batu Arang...


  1. Nanti datang le tido kat rumah aku, bawak anak bini. Boleh kita jalan-jalan kat Batang Berjuntai, Kuala Selangor pun dekat... boleh naik Bukit Melawati lepas tu tengok kelip-kelip kat Kampung Kuantan!
