Thursday, October 29, 2009

The road from Batang Berjuntai to Batu Arang...

Continued from A look at the Selangor river near Batang Berjuntai ...

I headed back towards the main road, decided to make a stop first here...

For one I am fascinated by this huge jungle tree at the roadside...

Then there's this Minangkabau-roofed house which I saw when heading closer to the river. Too bad, I couldn't get the right angle for a good snap...

I soon headed out towards Batu Arang. The same road from Batang Berjuntai also leads all the way to Rawang. At one part you could see a vast opening with plenty of food trees. Welcome to the Selangor Fruits Valley, one of the biggest fruit orchard in the state...

A look towards where I came from, that is towards Batang Berjuntai...

The orchard is so vast that it looks like it almost goes all the way to the horizon...

Time to continue the journey towards Batu Arang...

Further on, one could see more openings that seemed to go all the way towards Rawang!

From here the road starts to twist and turn... refer to the satellite pictures available in A look at the Selangor river near Batang Berjuntai ...

Despite that, I managed to take this shot while riding my bike... with the right hand holding the camera, the left controlling the handles forcing myself to do a delicate balancing act as the bike slows down at the corner as I can't pull on the throttle to keep the speed up...

At this point, I have already passed the Rawang/ Batu Arang junction. Batu Arang is less than 3 km away while my house is just another 3 km further. Of note is the forest along the way. You should see the beautiful timber trees that line up the roads. That's all! :]

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that there were once a railway link connecting Batang Berjuntai and Batu Arang with Kuang?

    Nice coverage about Batu Arang btw :)

