Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Back to Pulau Duyong and more views from the island...

Continued from Up Bukit Puteri through the newly completed shopping complex at its foot...

From Bukit Puteri we went around the market area of Pasir Payang before taking the boat back to Pulau Duyong...

You see, we must get back to Pulau Duyong because we left our car there!

Still the boat was worth another ride. For the record the same one and only boat serves the route to and fro Pulau Duyong and Kuala Terengganu...

This is because there are not that many people commuting between the two places, unlike that between Seberang Takir and Kuala Terengganu which has at least 3 boats playing the route, one at every 20 minutes interval or so...

We soon arrived back at Pulau Duyong. For the record we had to wait more than an hour for the boat, after missing a previous ride by just a minute or two. Since we are back on the island, might as well go around some more to savour the view. This is one from another part of the island, with the famous Masjid Kristal or Crystal Mosque in the background.

If I remember correctly this mosque was built starting 2006 or so before it was opened last year...

It was built on the same island, Pulau Wan Man which also has a theme park built in-conjuction, called Taman Tamadun Islam, the Islamic Civilisational Park...

The park features downscaled replicas of some 20 famous mosque all around the world. It is a good place to bring kids to and that is what I intend to do later. Watch for a story about it in my Malay blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU later... maybe tomorrow God willing.

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