Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Up Bukit Puteri through the newly completed shopping complex at its foot...

Continued from A boat ride across the river Terengganu from Pulau Duyong.

The jetty near Pasang Payang brings us straight to these spanking new shopping complex...

I have been to Kuala Terengganu many many times and have seen this premise being built over the last 2 years if I remember correctly. This is the first time I arrived after it was completed and opened to the public. While this is the first time my wife and kids stepped foot anywhere here ever...

The complex itself offers a superb view of the river Terengganu...

The new escalators help to cut the trip up Bukit Puteri, a popular hill picnic spot short...

Otherwise one would have to climb double, even thrice the amount of steps...

A view over the complex on to Pulau Duyong and Seberang Takir.

This part marks the first of a number of items which makes Bukit Puteri popular to the locals...

The kids forced to pose on the cannons. Yes, they might be tired from all the walking done so far, after all they were fasting and it was a very hot day. Never mind. I'd like them to appreciate the history behind Bukit Puteri. For here lies the main fort which protects Kuala Terengganu from outside invasions...

The command centre lies on top these steps...

One could see almost all of Kuala Terengganu city centre as one climbs up the steps...

Here we are entering the comand centre of the fort...

A look from one of the walls with an opening for setting up cannons...

Me and wife posing at the seat of command...

There's also this tower which should offer a much wider vista. Too bad the way up is closed and locked...

Anyway the view from the command centre, the highest point up Bukit Puteri should suffice. Soon it's time to head back across the waters...

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