Monday, October 04, 2010

The lavish night reception at Shangri-La

Dear folks. Apart from being venues to vent out frustation and share thoughts my blogspots also served as some sort of album for posterity through good and bad. On Sunday night, 19th September a lavish reception hosted by the bride's family was held also at Shangri-La hence the groom's family (my side) decision to have a Chinese tea party at the same hotel while renting a penthouse. So here's the continuation from the article The antics at the Shangri-La penthouse.

The night reception was set to be the height of a weekend of wedding celebrations...

With a guest list which included rulers, royalties, ministers, top politicians, industry captains and such it was practically a leaf from one of those vainglorious society magazines...

Now, while my cheap digital camera might not do justice to these famous faces, I'll bet with some scrutiny Malaysians at least could recognise some of them right away...

These pictures were taken at then end of reception. I leave it to you guys to spot the who's who. And believe me, there were aplenty...

On a more personal note. I've came across many of these famous faces many times before especially during my days as a journalist with the New Straits Times. I've been personally introduced to princes who are now rulers at posh private places. But this is the first time I saw and met Raja Puan Besar Zara Salim Davidson, wife to Raja Muda (regent of) Perak Raja Nazrin. And I must say I was impressed with her warm smile and the natural way she carried herself. It seems to me that she don't need protocol to show that she's a person confident of herself. Just being her warm self is enough to show she got real class...

You see, I must admit that when it comes to protocols and such I can be a total rebel although I try hard not to be impolite despite the fact that many times I feel like kicking plastic people so conscious of themselves and who they are with. After many official functions, I've sat on the floor with less than formal clothings happily fielding question after question to the likes of former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir while many sat up still with controlled looks, persona and speech hoping to be in the good books of those in power so that they could climb the social ladder further.

Well, I don't care about all these. If not for the fact that I still have some semblance of decency I would have cried to these people saying something like this: "Damn you fakers. Typical commoners. You think this cultivated disguises you put up give you class? Pleibians... ". Then again I'm digressing. Anyway, that's my wife and baby as the crowd stepped out of the reception hall...

Meanwhile family members of both bride and groom converged at the rear...

This one is taken after the bride's family has been photographed with the newly-weds. The groom's family were then taking position...

The bride's family came larger in numbers. I thought this was because the function was hosted by them. But I learnt later that my side actually footed most of the bill.

My family would have to wait for another reception middle of this month before we can turn up by the actual numbers. I'm told it should be more relaxing. While there's still going to be some VVIP guests, this time there should be less protocol and hopefully you can see babies running and wailing about without much fear of giving embarresment as this is what family is all about... accepting everyone the way they are and not having to put up personas to please anyone... :]

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