Thursday, October 07, 2010

From Malaysia's Palais de Justice to the steel mosque

OK. From the wedding celebration stories we move on to something else...

The following day (refer to The lavish night reception at Shangri-La), after taking care of some things in Negeri Sembilan, me and wife stopped at Putrajaya and had a look at this building, the Istana Kehakiman. Translated into English this means Palace (istana) of Justice. Actually a direct translation of the word Kehakiman should be 'judgement' as it comes from the Malay word Hakim (judge). But within context of use it is better translated as Justice of which the direct Malay word would be 'keadilan', from the word 'adil' (just).

Anyway it is a court of justice and therefore the English translation is officially given as Palace of Justice. However, whenever I hear these words I can't help but think of the equivalent Palais de Justice in Paris. So why the fascination with this place? Well, it has something to do with the design of the building which reminds me of a similar place I saw in a dream more than a decade ago, mainly the 3 big domes...

That made me parked the car and decided to walk from the building on to this gate directly in front. I wanted to see if this walk would gave birth to some idea or something... something that should elucidate more on the meanings behind the dream...

Mine you, when I had the dream none of these buildings exist. So I was wondering did I actually dreamt about the then up and coming Putrajaya or I just happened to saw an ancient building with the design replicated for the Malaysian Palais de Justice.

Anyway the gate leads to the newly-opened Tuanku Mizan mosque, also fondly known as the steel mosque.

Then there is the gate leading to the compound of the mosque...

In case you don't know the mosque is known as the steel mosque as it was built mainly with steel structures...

Just look at the mosque itself.

I first went inside this mosque some 2 months ago. That's when I realised that it is situated directly to Malaysia's Palais de Justice.

Since then I vowed that one day I would take a walk from the court building to the mosque...

Here's a look back towards the Palais...

I have yet to get an idea what this walk really means. Hopefully something will emerge after making this story. Have a look at the article Masjid (Mosque of Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin), Putrajaya in the blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH. :]

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