Monday, October 11, 2010

Monkeying around at Kuala Selangor

Peace be upon you all. One a half-a-month ago I wrote an article called Monkeying around in Muar. Today I went monkeying around again but this time at Kuala Selangor.

Kuala Selangor has a scenic hill called Bukit Melawati which is also known for its population of monkeys. But unlike most places I've seen in Malaysia, Bukit Melawati is unique in that it's population is mainly comprise of a type of black-coloured monkeys.

This black-coloured fellas are not as aggresive than the more common grey-coloured ones often found at other spots with monkeys.

Thus they are more fun to play with attracting tourist including foreigners from Europe and such faraway places. Look at the video clip...

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