Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The town of Seria

Continuing from we left of in the article One Billionth Barrel Monument...

The following day, Saturday we went again to the town of Seria.

It was around 10:30 am and we came here as Hajah Sopiah's children Jep and Mariam had to settle something at an office. Oh. What a minute. Now I remember. It was a family driver who had to settle this something. Jep just accompanied him while Mariam stayed in the car with my wife and baby.

The car was parked at one place and I started having a walk.

I had enough time to have a look at the town.

Well, I don't have to go to every part...

As it was not so big it is enough to just walk around a few streets to have a good idea of its layout.

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