Friday, December 24, 2010

Taking the MRT down half the island

Continued from The scene at Kampung Wak Hassan.

The uncle then dropped as at the Yishun MRT station.

We wanted to get to a place near the Singapura city centre and the MRT is the ideal way to go.

The MRT line we took practically circles the island. While it is shorter if we went clockwise, we decided to go anti-clockwise to have a better look at things. Seen in the background buildings at the city of Johor Bahru across the Straits of Tebrau as we went pass Woodlands.

Besides a trip clockwise would just be a repeat of the views seen when we go from Tanjung Pagar to Yishun on Saturday, a trip which was also anti-clockwise. So if we want to make it a full round pass the circle line might as well continue with the direction...

One thing I noticed in this latest trip to Singapura is the island republic do have a fair amount of green.

It happened that next we have to change to another line known as the green line.

Oh. Talking about green, Al-Rasyid was also wearing green!

Soon we reached the targetted station.

Talking about green again, the station has interesting 'green; murals on its wall and we took opportunity to pose with it.

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