Friday, December 24, 2010

The Temenggung mosque and Johor royal mausoleum revisited

From the MRT station one can just walk across the road and reach the Temenggung mosque at Teluk Belanga, a remain of the days when the Temenggungs (something like the interior ministers) of Johor used to be based in this area.

Inside the mosque.

The Temenggung family still has their old burial ground besides the mosque.

Let's have a look inside.

As the Temenggung family have ascended the throne of Johor since the 1866s this is also known as the Johor royal mausoleum at Singapura.

And here's the part outside the main building, a part extending up parts of the hill of Teluk Belanga. The hill is now known as Mount Faber, the highest in Singapura.


  1. Salam Sdr Radzi Sapiee . Baru baru ini saya ada menziarahi makam diraja di Bukit Purmei, S'pura. Mungkin ramai yang tak tahu tentang tempat ini. Penjaga makam ini menasihatkan saya supaya tidak mengambil gambar makam. Adakah Sdr Radzi meminta izin untuk megambil gambar di Makam Temenggong dan diberi izin? Saya ingin mengambil gambar makam di Makam Temenggong.

  2. Wassalam. Sebetulnya saya main ambil gambar sahaja. Tapi janganlah sebab itu semua orang nak ikut. Saya ada wasilah keturunan yang membenarkan ini.
