Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sungai Kerian, the natural border between Perak and Kedah

Peace be upon you all. The last posting here, Al-Rasyid's train trip to Singapura completed was made on the day of Christmas 2010. Today I'm starting a new series at my main blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU . As usual supporting articles would be made at my other blogspots. This one is the first here...

This is a part of the river Sungai Kerian east of the mainland parts of the state of Pulau Pinang.

A view downriver. Pulau Pinang should be miles further downriver.

View upriver. For the record Sungai (river of) Kerian is the natural border between the states of Perak to the south and Kedah to the north.

Pulau Pinang was once part of Kedah. So Sungai Kerian also forms the border between the state and Perak albeit to the west.

A closer view upriver....

Back to downriver.

I took these pictures while crossing the bridge from south to north. This was how I entered the state of Kedah from the area of Selama in Perak (note: there are also parts of Selama in Kedah).

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