Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Al-Rasyid first visit to the Muar river-Jempol river meeting point

After the function as shown in the previous article Huda's wedding reception at UTM Skudai we went to Masai, then Skudai again before spending the night in Muar. The next day, 2nd May 2011 we took the rural road to Bukit Kepong pass Segamat and Gemas before visiting a relative in Jelai. Next stop is a very special place near Bahau...

This is the meeting place between the Muar and Jempol rivers.

The nearer one seen here is the Jempol river, the one behind is that of Muar...

This meeting point is part of an inland route called Jalan Penarikan which allows ships to travel to and fro Peninsular Malay's East Coast and West Coast. I have once made a posting on this place titled Where Muar river meets Jempol in Negeri this blogspot. But that was based on my first visit 3 years ago.

There. See the land jutting out like a triangle? That's where the Jempol river (left) flows into the longer and more significant Muar river.

For the record this is the first time I brought baby Al-Rasyid here. He was then still fast asleep, nodding off on the journey from Jelai...

The first time I brought the wife along was in the middle of 2009. We just got back from Aceh then and she was 7 months pregnant...

A view towards the opposite direction and you could see the Muar river to the left and Jempol river to the right forming some sort of long peninsular. As we walked towards the further hut Al-Rasyid woke up and started to enjoy the scene. By then it was already dusk.

Oh. I'm glad to inform that this is the 2222th article among all my three blogspots. At this juncture I've already got 846th articles in CATATAN SI MERAH SILU and 610 in SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART). This in turn is the 766 article in this blogspot. Add up the numbers and you have this as the 2222th overall article... :]

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