Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Huda's wedding reception at UTM Skudai

On to Sunday 1st May 2011, the Labour Day holiday. Continued from The Singapura Malay 'heritage' that is Kampung Gelam.

So we were in Singapura (Singapura) the previous day as shown in the previous article. In fact we only got out of the island nation at 2 am or so to rest at an uncle's place in Skudai. Come afternoon we were ready for a function. It was that uncle's daughter wedding reception.

Her name is Huda and the father is Nawi, Professor Dr Nawi Derahman. Held at a hall at UTM (Malaysia Technology University) the reception started quite well.

The pace pickedup quickly when the bride and groom came...

As customary in Malay weddings they to have to take momentary seats first for a formal welcome process.

This comes with a silat performance, the Malay self-defence.

Next the bridge and groom and their entourage entered the hall.

They immediately were taken to the stage for all and sundry to see. :]

Here's a video clip of the people around. I really can't remember if I introduced the scene inMalay or English. Later only did I found out it was barely audible. Never mind. It should be enough to show what goings on...

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