Tuesday, May 17, 2011

An early look at Rantau Panjang town centre

Peace be upon you all. Time to continue with the end of 2010 trip to the East Coast stories.

The last article on the East Coast trip, titled Sungai Golok at 'Point 5' and made 8 days ago have shown how we've travelled up the Golok river on the way to Rantau Panjang. Now let's get on to Rantau Panjang town. Me, wife and baby had a nice sleep at a budget hotel and these are pictures of the following morning taken at the town centre starting with the bus and taxi stand.

The day was Tuesday 28th December 2010. The time was about 7:30 am.

It was too early for any activity. Mind you Rantau Panjang starts to sleep by around 8 pm and looks like it hasn't yet woken up.

So let's just watch around quietly ya...

A better angle of the bus and taxi stand.

The main street heading east.

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