Sunday, May 15, 2011

Following the flow of the Kerling river

From Kuala Kubu Baru we went to the smaller town of Kerling to visit the tomb of a certain Malay warrior. We learned that from that town there's a small rural road leading to the Lembah Beringin housing estate and from there we could get to the North-South Highway for a quick drive back home.

Then we realised this rural road follows the flow of the Kerling river.

Actually at this point we have missed the junction to Lembah Beringin. Never mind. We wanted to check out what's at the end of this road.

For one there's an estate.

But that's not the end of it. The road goes further on following the flow of the Kerling river.

Soon it stared entering an Orang Asli (aborigine) settlement area.

It took quite a distance before the road really veers off from the river making a climb uphill.

That's when I found its end.

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