Friday, May 06, 2011

Going around the Kelantan river delta

OK. I've been around here by boat once and saw some superb views, I think in 2007 or 2008. But I was then alone with a friend. This time I wanted the family to also enjoy what I've seen. So here we were on a boat...

That's me sitting at the front alone, easy to see around from any angle.

Here's the boat starting to move...

OK. The boat is actually used to ferry people in and out of some of the populated islands. Have I mentioned that here lies the Kelantan river delta and its many islands?

Depending on availabity, one could rent a boat to look around. Or just pay cheap fee of RM1 per head one way to get to the closest main island.

As for me I sort of chartered the boat for a little family trip while at the same time allowing other passengers to get on board. So that is a sort of in-between arrangement making it rather cheap.

Here is the main inhabited island.

Welcome to Pulau (island of) Beluru.

Three passengers stepped off the boat as we continued our journey downriver.

Seen here is still part of Pulau Beluru if I'm not mistaken.

The river Kelantan flows into the South China Sea which should be a few more miles ahead.

But we weren't going that far. At this juncture the boat has made a u-turn to return to Kok Majid.

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